Office Automator Brief History


Office Automator Brief History

Office Automator Emerged Out Of Solving Business Problems

That sounds simple, but one of the big differentiators for OA is that it was developed with very different thinking.
The problem with most solutions in the market place for business operating processes is that they all start at the same place.
1. I have created a document
2. Where do I put it
3. How do I find it later
Your typical document management system has progressed on from there...a bit, but regardless of anything, it is still just a document management system.
Office Automator was designed and developed while dealing with much broader issues than just document management. As a result, the document management capability, while being state of the art, is actually just a by-product of the overall system.
Document management shouldn't be the key focus of any business system. It is a given that it should be there, it should be safe and secure and it should allow documents to be easily added and found...something Office Automator does in 'Spades'.
So what makes it different?
1. OA starts with creating a document
2. The system has 'smart-templates' that not only re-use existing content, but they also save content for re-use elsewhere in the business.
3. The 'smart-templates' know what you are doing and as such save themselves...the user does not have to decide where to save them.
4. By storing both data and documents, business processes can be automated and content can be re-used creating big savings in time and cost
So many have tried to achieve a single operating system over the years but failed. Much of the reason can be put down to an old saying attributed to Albert Einstein;

" Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Office Automator solutions come from thinking differently and daring to break a result, Office Automator is different and is a highly scalable enabling technology...enabling productivity gains, simplification, reduced costs, consistency across the whole business, integration of merged entities, compliance, security and the ability to scale effectively....and these benefits are received year after year after year. Nothing one off here!
So how does OA actually work? Good question...How Does Office Automator Work?